
The Bangladesh Police has recently received Qatar-based Stark Motors ‘Storm 4×4 LAMPVs’ for the first time.

Unofficial social media accounts shared photos of dozens of Storm 4×4 APCs alongside armoured Toyota Land Cruiser 79 series 5-door station wagons inside a warehouse at Chattogram Port.

The Storm 4×4 APCs are designed for SWAT Teams and law enforcement agencies to conduct operations in urban and rural missions.

Based on the Toyota Land Cruiser 79 series chassis, the Storm APC has a curb weight of 4,200 kg and can carry a payload of 1,000 kg. It is powered by a 195 HP 4.5L turbo-diesel V8 engine with manual transmission and part time 4×4 capability. The APC can accommodate two crews and six passengers.

There are multiple firing ports and a turret to mount a heavy machine gun. The Storm APC is also equipped with an advanced dashboard, military-grade seating, BS EN B6 armour protection, LED strobe lights, a siren/PA system, radio communications system, GPS, day/night cameras, and LED search lights.

The acquisitions are part of a routine purchase carried out by the Bangladesh Police to enhance operational capabilities.

The value of the contract could not be immediately ascertained.

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